Note Cards by Claire Loon Baldwin

Regular price $6.50

Claire Loon Baldwin

I'm an illustrator, designer, and storyteller inspired by the surreal, intricate beauty of nature. For years I worked in national parks as everything from a prep cook to park ranger. Now I strive to inspire environmental action through art. I live in Brunswick, Maine.

Between 2012 and 2018, I worked in Glacier National Park, North Cascades National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, and the redwoods of northern California. I worked as everything from a housekeeper to park ranger, and everywhere I went, my sketchbook came along. The biodiverse landscapes I explored, and self-discovery I experienced made me the artist I am today. 

In 2018, I created Grand Canyon National Park's official centennial poster series. Since then, I've worked with clients ranging from environmental education centers to oyster farms.

My other creative endeavors include writing and illustrating a Young Adult novel and making mushroom-inspired ceramic sculptures. I'm available for client work and seeking representation.