About Miss Moonmaker
I started making artisan, hand-made bath fizzies in 2008 when my son was just a year and a half old. My son suffered from chronic sinus infections and always had a stuffy head, nose and chest. When my son was born I became more aware of the products I used and my awareness was raised and I became more earth-friendly and human-friendly with the use of my products and what we ingested and put on our skin.
In 2009 I created the "Eucalyptus Soother" bath fizzie specifically for my son to help him at the end of the night to relax and soothe his stuffy sinus' and carefully added ingredients I felt safe adding to my precious little boy's bath. Because what we put on our skin is ingested directly into our body our organs just as if we ate it!
I used natural ingredients like eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils that added menthol properties to the bath that opened up his stuffy head and nose along with epsom salts to soothe his sore muscles from coughing and a little black pepper for a tad of heat to relax those sore muscles too. Plus, it added a bit of fun to this bath while doing it naturally.
I never actually intended to start a business making bath products but, I have always been intuitive when it came to using plants, herbs and spices for my bathing experience. I have always been fascinated by the powers of plants, spices, herbs and flowers and natural ingredients not only with what we ingest but, also with what we bathe in. Matter of fact the crazy concoctions that I have made over the years in my and (at the time) my younger son's bath have been interesting, at times making us both feel like we were bathing in big human sized soup!
It was the Native cultures though, that have been immersing themselves in water for centuries for sanctifying, cleansing (body and spirit) for healing the mind, body and soul that really started inspiring me about bathing. I consider the ancient art of bathing a spiritual and primally connecting, centering experience in a sense that is goes deeper than just getting clean. Taking time out for a bath means that you value yourself, to care for yourself, enough that you take time for you while using mindful, healthy ingredients because you honor yourself and your body. Using our products also means you value using products that are good for you and good for the Earth.
Most all of our products have an individual mission and a goal, whether it's to soothe, rejuvenate, revive, relax, soothe sore muscles or just give you an all over body-shimmer at the end of your bathing experience. Miss Moonmaker believes in self care and the sometimes forgotten art of bathing.
The struggle is real I am not going to lie. As a busy single Mom and entrepreneur, I still, to this day believe more than ever, in the the power of a good soak in a steamy bath can help you tackle many of life's paths ahead of you. I still believe that we need to take time out for ourselves, pamper ourselves, simple pleasures daily not just exhausting yourself in life until you get to that long-awaited vacation once or twice a year. We all need to put ourselves first so that we can be the support we need to those we love. Because we are so worth it and no one else is going to look out for you but YOU. A steamy, relaxing soak in the tub and sometimes doing less, slowing down? Is more. -- Miss M.