Lion's Mane produces a pure white cluster of icicle-like teeth. When cooked, it has a consistency similar to crab meat. We like to slice it into rounds and pan-fry it in olive oil or butter. You can also try ripping it up and making 'Lion's Mane Cakes' by following a crab cake recipe!
Lion's Mane is considered both an esteemed edible mushroom and a valuable medicinal and is currently being studied for its effects on neural health, Alzheimer's, and dementia. The mushroom contains a substance called erinacine, which has the ability to catalyze the production of nerve growth factor (NFG) which reduces the effects of Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative disorders (Yamada et al., 1997). A study in Japan, on men aged 50-80 years old with mild cognitive impairment, suggests that Lion's Mane is effective at improving cognition. Subjects were split into two groups and half were given dry powdered Lion's Mane three times a day and observed over 16 weeks. At weeks 8, 12, and 16, the group taking Lion's Mane scored significantly better on a cognitive test than the other half in the placebo group (Mori et al., 2008). You can read more about this study here.
Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate
Lion's Mane mushrooms, though slightly harder to get flushes, are still a great mushroom for beginners. They colonize quickly and are relatively reliable producers.
Spawn is living and perishable.
It can live unrefrigerated for up to three months, though it is best to keep it refrigerated for long-term storage.
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