The six women portrayed in this book—Maria Merian (b. 1647), Anna Comstock (b. 1854), Frances Hamerstrom (b. 1907), Rachel Carson (b. 1907), Miriam Rothschild (b. 1908), and Jane Goodall (b. 1934)—all grew up to become award-winning scientists, writers and artists, as comfortable with a pen as with as with a magnifying glass. They all started out as girls who didn’t run from spiders and snakes, but crouched down to take a closer look. Often they were discouraged from getting dirty, much less pursuing careers in science. But they became enthusiastic teachers, energetic writers, and passionate scientists—frequently the only women in their fields. They each overcame opposition and found ways to pass on their vision of how all lives in nature are beautifully connected. Their stories remind us to look, look harder and then to look again. Under rotten logs or in puddles, there are amazing things to see.
Ages 10-16